

There is only one God,
The Omnipresent, Omnipotent,
Omniscient Lord.
There is only one Religion,
The religion of love.
There is only one commandment,
The commandment of truthfulness.
There is only one law,
The law of cause and effect.
There is only one caste,
The caste of humanity.
There is only one language,
The language of heart or the
language of silence.

-- Swami Sivananda


Serenity, regularity, absence of vanity,
Sincerity,simplicity, veracity,
Equanimity, fixity, non-irritability,
Adaptability, humility, tenacity,
Integrity, nobility magnanimity,
Charity, generosity,purity.
Practise daily these eighteen "ities".
You will soon attain immortality,
Brahman is the only real entity,
Mr. So and so is a false non-entity.
You will abide in eternity and infinity.
You will behold unity in diversity.
You can not attain this in the University.

-- Swami Sivananda
Brahman is the Supreme self


O'Adorable Lord of Mercy and love,
Salutations and Prostrations unto Thee
Thou art Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient.
Thou art Satchidananda, Existence, Knowledge,
Bliss Absolute
Thou art the Indweller of all beings.
Grant us an understanding heart,
Equal vision, balanced mind,
Faith, devotion and wisdom. Grant us inner spiritual strength
To resist temptetions and to control the mind.
Free us from egoism, lust, greed, hatred, anger
and jealousy.
Fill our hearts with divine virtues.
Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms.
Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms
Let us ever remember Thee.
Let us ever sing Thy Glories.
Let Thy name be ever on our lips.
Let us abide in Thee for ever and ever.

-- Swami Sivananda

A-MIR (Meditation with Instant Realisation)

at 6 a.m. Sit straight, Spine erect, Eyes closed. Relax the body from toes upto forehead. Mentally repeat OM OM OM with meditation on the Effulgent Circular Black Spot. Then stop repetition, only meditate. Then stop meditation and become thoughtless. Drop of Bliss merged in the Ocean of Bliss. Then repeat OM and open your eyes slowly. Enjoy unalloyed Bliss of the Self.

B-SC (Self Correction)

'Wage war against your animalistic instincts and come out victorious. Arm yourself with the weapons of discrimination, dispassion, aspiration, renunciation and meditation.'

-- Swami Sivananda

C-SE (Self Expansion)

Meditation at 8 p.m.
I am illumined.
Let my family be illumined.
Let my community be illumined.
Let my town/village be illumined.
Let my district be illumined.
Let my state be illumined.
Let my country be illumined.
Let my world be illumined.
Let everyone be Blissful.
Let no one be sorrowful.
Peace: Peace. Peace.
I feel for others.
I live for others.

D-MSS (Mantra for Self Surrender)

O' Lord, I am Thine.
All is Thine.
Thy will be done.
Thou art everything.
Thou doest everything.
Thou art just.
I am only an instrument in Thy hands.
I am a non-entity.
I can do nothing.
I possess nothing.
Grant me faith and devotion.

-- Swami Sivananda

Peace. Peace. Peace.

May the Supreme Lord of The Universe bless the BOW (Being of the World) to EARN ( Embrace All Reject NonÄ—), SCREEN and expand the COM (Cosmic Oneness Movement). With this P.M. (Parting Message), Humbly yours in the service of the Mankind.


The ancient Vedas have from time immemorial sought to bring home to mankind the lory message of the unity of existence, the lothess of all life. We have the declaration in the Vedas: Duality is the cause of all sorrow. That is, from duality springs fear, great fear; and Truth is non-dual, One without a second, from which springs happiness. And all that is, the entire universe that we see, is nothing other than the Universal Reality. That alone appears as the entire Universe. That alone is. All is, verily, the Absolute Reality, the Supreme Truth. This two when put together bring the message to us that in Truth there is no duality, and if we live in Truth we shall feel oneness spontaneously, from the very fact of our being based upon the consciousness of Truth which is Oneness

My sincere prayer is : May this essential spirit of oneness of man, this oneness of all life, be recognised, accepted and expressed in all our life, in all our behaviour towards one another. Then, indeed, the ideal of oneness will be a glorious and happy fact. May God bless mankind! May God inspire all people to feel His Presence indwelling all names and forms! May God bless you!

-- Swami Chidananda